Timothy Mwanje is an Information Technology, and Media consultant based in Kampala-Uganda. Currently working with HEPS-UGANDA as an Information Technology Officer.
I pursued deeper into cybersecurity and risk management from 2021 and how people use internet devices as their personal assistants. I believe by this year throughout and after the COVID-19 pandemic, internet users will be able to justify how technology can change their ways of living through working and earning online, meeting and collaborations, learning and sharing, buying and selling, deliveries and inquiry services all done online with the systems designed to ease people's way of living. 
        There are lots more services technology offers, provided one has internet access on their devices.  I have fully surveyed most of the technological features and applications that are helpful in our daily lives, diving deeper into free software such as Google applications and products at the bottom because they are freely accessed and readily available on most popular internet devices such as Windows and Android devices.
        With all those, helping internet users explore more features of these systems and applications became my priority to fully satisfy their needs. However, the increasing number of internet browsing and users has resulted in more cyber threats and attacks affecting people's wealth, lifestyles, and professions. 
        After my certification in cybersecurity at Cisco Networking Academy and Refactory in 2021, I started campaigns on cybersecurity awareness, and risk assessment to enlighten the dangers and risks of being vulnerable to cyber attacks, this mainly started with my communities through orientations and Q&A on matters concerning cybersecurity and basic approaches but hoping to engage more with several civil organizations and communities so that cyber-attacks are minimized for safe browsing and information safety.  
 Steps to Cyber Security "Defending/protecting your online personality". 

        Besides my career interests and professionalism, I am passionate about motorcycle riding, and adventure, and I am a road safety activist. I am a president of the Fusion Bikers, founded in 2020 by mobilizing private riders across Central Kampala to form an association aiming at:
  • Seeing road safety and respect for one another prioritized as Riders.
  • Promoting and developing partnerships for minimizing road accident risks in the country.  
  • Empowering riders in their socio-economic lifestyles.  
        I have diversified my riding experience, aims, and love to other bigger sister motorcycle clubs within the country such as the Uganda Bikers, and the Africa Ubuntu Bikers Run as well as to the continental forums such as the African Motorcycle Dairies to amplify the visibility of the bikers' community to other societies through engagements on social media, emphasizing and orienting the critical elements of motorcycle handling and road disciplines to riders, and Facilitating platforms for riders to share their experiences and options worldwide. 

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